Planning + Preparation
Before beginning any mailing it’s crucial to think through all the details such as size, weight, fulfillment needs, target audience, and postage to understand how all of these factors will impact your bottom line budget. At Cashmere Mailing House, we can help you prepare and plan your mailing ahead of time to ensure a successful and cost-effective direct mailing outcome.
Direct Mail Planning Checklist
— What is your project timeline and budget?
— Do your designs meet USPS postal regulations?
— Have you explored your paper and envelope options?
— Where or how are you copying or printing your pieces?
— What are your fulfillment needs (i.e. assembly, folding, or tabbing)?
— Are you planning on personalizing your mailing (i.e. mail merge)?
— Do you have a mailing list or do you need to purchase one?
— Are you authorized to mail at the nonprofit postage rate?
— Do you need labels or address printing?
— What kind of postage will you use (i.e. mail permit or first class)?
Design Consultation
Before beginning any mailing it’s important to understand how design impacts your mailing and postage costs. Our consultants can help you plan an optimal mailing that fits within your budget. We can guide you through the Postal service mailing regulations that are continually changing and provide templates that meet all necessary requirements to save you both time and money.
Paper + Envelope Options
The style and weight of the paper and envelopes you use can help differentiate your company the competition and can also impact your mailing costs. Your choice of an envelope can impact the design of your insert pieces, printing, assembly and the size and weight of your envelope determine postage costs. Let’s work together to determine the right sizes, weights, and types of paper and envelope that are best for your mailing before you begin with design.